*Assignments: Video Project, Blog Presentation, Final Project, Farewell Post*

A few reminders and additional information about assignments are found below: News Site presentations 4/29 -- Brian Cary. Philly.com -- Kate Donovan, NPR Video project -- This link provides details on what is expected from the video project that is due May 5th by midnight. Blog Presentation -- Everyone will present their blogs to the class during ourContinue reading "*Assignments: Video Project, Blog Presentation, Final Project, Farewell Post*"

Audio Post – April 8th

Find a relevant and compelling person with something to say about your topic. Have a backup plan. Prepare and research your questions. Do an in-person interview with your audio recorder/cellphone. Note: Phone conversations won’t yield quality audio. Photograph your subject. Make sure your photo is clear, in focus, and that we can see the person’sContinue reading "Audio Post – April 8th"

Week 9 – April 1 – Updates with new readings**

New reading for this week: Check out this article in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the women's track controversy from last spring. This is a deeply reported piece that elicited a response from Rowan's president in an email. I've included the email below if you haven't already read it. Frank will present the GannetContinue reading "Week 9 – April 1 – Updates with new readings**"

Week 8 Update — Photo Gallery Info — Next Class: March 25th

Post No. 6 (free post) is due on Sunday, March 17th by midnight. The week of March 17-23 is spring break; enjoy it. Looking ahead to our class on March 25 we will have a presentation from Jake Schmitz on ESPN & The Athletic. The Athletic will limit you to a certain number of clicks.Continue reading "Week 8 Update — Photo Gallery Info — Next Class: March 25th"

Rowan Sports Credentialing Process

For those covering Rowan athletic events you must request credentials through the Sports Information Department at least 48 hours before the event you want to cover. Credentials are mandatory for access to players and coaches. More information on who to contact and where to go is included below. Requests need to be in 48 hoursContinue reading "Rowan Sports Credentialing Process"

Reading for 2/25

Condé Nast will be presented at next week's class by Dan Perez. There are several publications under this masthead, so please visit these sites and read a few articles to familiarize yourself with how they digitally present themselves. Vanity Fair The New Yorker Pitchfork Wired Wmagazine Be prepared to discuss these websites.

Aggregation Post & Free Post

Part of what makes online journalism exciting is the flexibility to provide a multi-modal experience. You can include infographics, iconography, videos, audio and social media links that add value to your reports. The idea with aggregation posts is to curate information from around the internet that helps your audience understand your message. If you wereContinue reading "Aggregation Post & Free Post"

Site Presentation Schedule and Reading List for 2/18

We are backed up with our news site presentations so there will be double-booking on a few dates. Next week we will have presentations by Conlan and Jenn Abbot. Conlan will present the HuffPost and Jenn will present Gawker which is now Gizmodo and owned by Univision. It's important that you visit all three websites andContinue reading "Site Presentation Schedule and Reading List for 2/18"